segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2008

Jaci Velasquez- Crystal Clear [2000]

1. Escuchame
2. Crystal Clear
3. Everytime I Fall
4. You're Not There
5. Adore
6. He's My Savior
7. You Don't Miss A Thing
8. Imagine Me Without You
9. Come As You Are
10. Center Of Your Love
11. Just A Prayer Away

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  • Jaci Velasquez- Crystal Clear [2000] 1. Escuchame2. Crystal Clear3. Everytime I Fall4. You're Not There5. Adore6. He's My Savior7. You Don't Miss A Thing8. Imagine Me Without You9. Come As You Are10. Center Of Your Love11. Just A Prayer AwayDownload:http://s2.m… Leia Mais

1 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Nao consigo baixar esse cd!

o faço p/ conseguir baixar?
