quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008

Martha Munizzi - No Limits (2006)

5 estrelas / 5 stars


1. No Limits (Breakthrough)
2. Till The Walls Fall
3. Till The Walls Fall (Reprise)
4. Name Above All Names
5. Great Exchange Prelude
6. Great Exchange
7. Renew Me
8. Prophetic Interlude
9. Forever You're My King
10. What He's Done
11. Amazing Love (P.D.)
12. Amazing Love

1. Always Welcome
2. Holy Spirit Fill This Room
3. Come Holy Spirit
4. He's Already Provided
5. I Believe God
6. While You Worship (Chandler's Song)
7. You've Been So Good
8. You've Been So Good (Reprise)
9. Jesus Is The Best Thing
10. Chosen Generation

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