quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008

Lakewood Church - We Speak To Nations (2002)

Gravado ao vivo "We Speak to Nations" é liderado por Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff e Israel Houghton e com convidados (muito) especiais Alvin Slaughter e Marcos Witt. Conta ainda com o cora da Igreja Lakewood e orquestra. Uma linda noite de adoração.

Recorded live, We Speak To Nations features worship leaders Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff, Israel Houghton, special guests Alvin Slaughter and Marcos Witt, plus the Lakewood Church Choir and Orchestra. Great night of worship.

1 Highly Exalted
2 Better Than Life
3 All About You
4 You Are Good
5 We've Come To Worship You
6 Everything
7 Only In Your Presence
8 Show Me Your Glory
9 I Will Sing
10 I Will Return
11 Who Can Satisfy
12 Lift Your Voice And Sing
13 We Speak To Nations
14 Gloria


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