segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008

DVD SHOW - Time Again: Amy Grant Live All Access (2006)

Time Again: Amy Grant Live All Access (2006)

Product Description
Time Again...Amy Grant Live was captured during two sold out performances April 11th and 12th, 2006 at the exquisite Bass Hall in Fort Worth, TX. Weaving a retrospective journey through a lifetime's worth of her most treasured songs, Amy invited audiences into her "living room" for a live concert experience unlike any other.


Parte 01 / Parte 02 / Parte 03 /

Parte 04 / Parte 05 / Parte 06 /

Parte 07 / Parte 08

Senha/ Pass:

Track Listings:

Lead Me On
Good For Me
Stay For Awhile
Takes A Little Time
Simple Things
Saved By Love
Out In The Open
Ask Me
After The Fire
Carry You
Lucky One
In A Little While
Thy Word
Father's Eyes
El Shaddai
Oh How The Years Go By
Baby Baby
Eye to Eye
Big Yellow Taxi
Every Heartbeat
I Will Remember You
If These Walls Could Speak

Coletanea Gospel Net
Muito obrigado a todos vo6 que sempre voltam ao blog para conferir as novidades... e eu fico mais feliz de sempre estar postando novidades aki... tudo que aparece de mais interessante nos outros blogs vem pra cá... por isso VENHAM DIRETAMENTE PARA O MEU BLOG ANTES DOS OUTROS... PORQUE AKI EH

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