Eleito 3 anos consecutivos como o melhor baixista do mundo (apenas mais 2 pessoas conseguiram semelhante proeza), Abraham Laboriel tem dedicado toda a sua vida à música. Já tocou com grandes nomes da vida secular e juntou-se a grandes nomes do mundo evangélico como Amy Grant, Ron Kenoly e faz parte dos elementos fixos da Hossana Music!
Este album a solo, conta com mais 3 músicos e é um extraordinário trabalho de Jazz de fusão com variados estilos. O trabalho de bateria/baixo na música Bebop Drive é inesquecivel. Imperdível para baixistas e apreciadores de Jazz.
He has been elected the best bass player for 3 years (only 2 others players did that), Abraham Laboriel dedicated his life to music. Play with many of the secular groups and singers, he also join great christian musicians as Amy Grant, Ron Kenoly and many others.
In this album, he play with 3 other premium musicians (the drummer its his son). They play a very good jazz. If you´re a bassist or like good jazz performances you can´t lose that.
Este album a solo, conta com mais 3 músicos e é um extraordinário trabalho de Jazz de fusão com variados estilos. O trabalho de bateria/baixo na música Bebop Drive é inesquecivel. Imperdível para baixistas e apreciadores de Jazz.
He has been elected the best bass player for 3 years (only 2 others players did that), Abraham Laboriel dedicated his life to music. Play with many of the secular groups and singers, he also join great christian musicians as Amy Grant, Ron Kenoly and many others.
In this album, he play with 3 other premium musicians (the drummer its his son). They play a very good jazz. If you´re a bassist or like good jazz performances you can´t lose that.
Wassup 07:04
Exchange 06:07
Slippin' and Sliding 05:49
You Can't Hide 04:49
Let My People 05:12
Guidum 07:02
Out from Darkness 07:23
Vamos Á Gozar 04:43
Another Day 04:39
Bass Sweet 05:31
Final Degree 05:20
Bebop Drive 04:00
Breakfast at Tiffany's 02:47
Exchange 06:07
Slippin' and Sliding 05:49
You Can't Hide 04:49
Let My People 05:12
Guidum 07:02
Out from Darkness 07:23
Vamos Á Gozar 04:43
Another Day 04:39
Bass Sweet 05:31
Final Degree 05:20
Bebop Drive 04:00
Breakfast at Tiffany's 02:47
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